Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Kanye West apologized via his blog to Taylor Swift for ruining her big moment at the 2009 MTV Video Music Awards. Not sorry enough to give Swift and "You Belong With Me" credit for beating out Beyonce's "Single Ladies," but sorry.

West jumped on stage during Swift's acceptance speech for winning best female video, took the mic from her, and said, "Yo Taylor, I'm really happy for you, I'll let you finish, but Beyonce has one of the best videos of all time."

Swift, who apparently missed the day they covered awards show ambushes in Preternaturally Talented Teen Crooners School, stood stock still in shock. The crowd started booing, and when West was up later that evening for an award, the audience began chanting Swift's name instead. Katy Perry tweeted about West's gaffe from the awards, "It's like u stepped on a kitten." Security guards reportedly had to restrain Pink from going after West, and Kelly Clarkson wrote on her blog that West just keep amazing her with his "tactless and (expletive deleted) ways ... The best part of this evening is that you weren't even up for THIS award and yet you still have a problem with the outcome. Is winning a moon man that much of a life goal?? You can have mine if it will shut you up."

(All three of those ladies were nominated for the award and lost out to Swift, by the way.)

Clarkson was referring to the 2006 MTV European Video Music Awards, in which West's "Touch the Sky" video lost to "We Are Your Friends," which prompted him to rush the stage during Justice and Simian's speech to say his video should have won because it "cost a million dollars and Pamela Anderson was in it."

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