Friday, September 18, 2009


Kanye West And Jay-Z

Jay-Z has spoken out against the negative attention Kanye West has received since last weekend's Video Music Awards controversy and urged fans to acknowledge the rapper's passion.

Claiming Yeezy has always displayed the same amount of excitement about his music, Jay said the media outlets have also over-hyped the Taylor Swift situation.

"I feel fantastic, I just had my 11th number one album which beats Elvis, so I'm feeling like 'The King of Pop,' [laughs]," Hov said in an interview. "[Kanye is] like my little brother, I pretty much introduced him on the first Blueprint... He's just a super passionate person, and of course it was rude because it was her moment but that's how he really felt... I think it was rude, but I don't think, the way they're treating, it's on the front of every paper, he didn't kill anybody, like, no one got harmed... At the end of the day, we're gonna celebrate him for his passion... As he grows and matures, he's got to know how to balance that. He'll learn that in the years to come...That passion wasn't fake, it wasn't staged... I don't think he should lay low, I think he should go on tour and have a brilliant career...The thing you have to realize about it, he's been that passionate from his first record, he used to jump on tables, I'm trying to make the first Blueprint and he's jumping on tables. [laughs] If he had changed because of his success, then it would be something else, then it would be a different thing but he's always been that passionate." (BBC Radio)

Aside from working together on multiple projects and collaborations, Hov chose Ye to be on his "Run This Town" hit single and performed together on the premiere of "The Jay Leno Show" this week.

Jay first broke the news of the impressive lineup to Access Shaun Robinson following Wednesday's NBC Television Critics Association panel in Pasadena, California. 'I always come on strong!' he said when Shaun asked about the trio performing on his first show. (Access Hollywood)

The rapper also took heat from an off-the-record comment by President Obama earlier this week.

"I thought that was really inappropriate! You know? It's like, she's getting an award--what are you butting in? I hear you. I agree with you. The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award. What's he doing up there? He's a jacka**. Now, now, all this stuff, I'm assuming all this stuff [laughs] come on guys, cut the president some slack. I got a lot of other stuff on my plate..." (YouTube)

Controversial television host Bill O'Reilly used the incident to poke fun at Yeezy on his daily talk show.

"Time now for 'Pinheads & Patriots,' usually we begin with the Patriots but for tonight, the Pinhead kicks it off," O'Reilly said prior to beginning to play the VMA footage. "Well we may have made Mr. West a pinhead before but he is one troubled guy. Now on the Patriot side, almost immediately after that happened, a parody was made up..." ("The O'Reilly Factor")

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